Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Old War

Good Old War is a band that I have recently heard and have completely gone crazy for.  I love there sound, and there down to earth and unpolished stlye of country music. 

This is a video for the song "Coney Island", which is fantastic.  I hope you like it as much as I do. 

If you like it, then download the song, I sure as hell did.

You can also get a free download of the song My Own Sinking Ship by clicking here.  Which is just awesome as Coney Island.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Return to Zork and Serenity...strange and it wasn't intended

Last night while enduring the endless time suck called "my job", a million thoughts traveled in and out of my brain. Two or three of them I can actually recall, well maybe not, but one of them I can recall because it was a doosey!

I'm there sitting in the most uncomfortable chair on the planet, a wire spring pocking my ass cheek, wondering if I remembered to zip my fly up from my last trip to the bathroom when a memory got caught on some sticky portion in my brain. A phrase from my past, from when I was a teen. "And thereeeee allllll deaddd." What the fuck? and then another phrase, this time with a heavy drunken slur, "You won't sum rye?...Corse' ya do." I exclaimed to the uncertainty of my co worker sitting beside me, "what the fuck?" She gave me a look, but she always gives me dirty looks when I'm thinking. Thinking is not allowed on the factory floor.

I had a ton of thinking to do. I had to remember something from 20 years ago. Then I had to go through a period of being upset that I had a "20 years ago". But, once the dust settled and I extinguished the anxiety of being old, my subconscious coughed up what I was desiring. The Return to Zork.

A game my brother had on his computer that I was not suppose to use. A game that became a cult classic if only between me and a few friends. A game from 1994 that gave my buddies and I endless hours of quotes and sayings that would confound and make other people uncomfortable. "You won't some rye?" would quickly be answered by someone else, "of course you do." This had to be said before each beer was consumed, and it also guaranteed that the young man getting up for the beer would bring one back for his buddy.

The Return to Mother Fuckin' Zork! It had been long forgotten and it was probably better that way, but here it is alive and well. And guess what? ya I found it on you tube. Here you go, enjoy.

Just in case I haven't told you before I am going to start posting my song of the day. If you like it then buy the mp3 from amazon, if you don't, then buy it any way and perhaps it will grow on you.

This is Testament. One of my favorite metal bands and this song is called "Return to Serenity". There token metal ballad. Token it might be, but it's hella good!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In Conclusion

Looking back
Trying to be calm
Touching the air
Failing to Feel
Whats wrong today,
the same as always
tender in moments
it's nice to hear you say

Couldn't have made it
so much harder
I've only started
to make you regret it
I can look back on this
and it makes me laugh
she said,

It's coming back
the recklessness
the indescision
I've always misunderstood
Never quite got it
so clear in front
struggling for attention
just wanting your to say

Couldn't have made it
so much harder
I've only started
to make you regret it
I can look back on this
and it makes me laugh
she said,

Finding out
that what it means
isn't that much
your not anything
and what I felt
I can't control
it's more than nothing
about letting go

Couldn't have made it
so much harder
I've only started
to make you regret it
I can look back on this
and it makes me laugh
she said,

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Yellow Dog

The sky is red on this lonely morning, and I am traveling back in time. It is cold and I am standing at the bus stop with my hands in my pocket. One of my shoes is untied but I really don't care and pay it no attention. The chatter box is talking, the girls are giggling, and I am the sleepy head.

I can hear the dads closing the doors to cars in distant driveways, and see the moms peek through curtains making sure everything is as it should be. We were the neighborhood kids, and we belong to everyone on the block.

The fun dad honks his horn and waves as he drives by the grumpy one follows but just passes in his angry car. The Car pool dads all pile into a van, while us kids begin to get louder and more playful. The girls are playing hop scotch while, chatter box digs in his back pack for a football. Lunch box's and bags get stacked up at the edge of a drive way and we toss the ball around and I tie my shoe, catch the ball and become John Elway.

"Awwww Mannnnnnn"

The sputter of the yellow dog can be heard on the next street down, It’s almost time and my stomach starts to sink, the fun has to end in a few moments. The ball, the hopscotch, the kids, the moms, the dads, all have to begin the day.

I look down to the end of the block and see the yellow bus turning onto the street, and slowly making its way toward the stop. A mom yells from a kitchen window, "you kids get your bags!"

I grab my lunch box, and back pack, unzip it to make sure I remembered to put my skelator in it for recess. The pecking order begins as we all fall into a line, the girls first and then the boys. We prepared for the morning battle of who was going to be the coolest and get to sit at the back of the bus.

The sputtering and coughing yellow dog crawls to a stop and I can smell the acid stench of the exhaust as one by one we all take hold of the handle and step up into the bus.